Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Me, Twenty Years from Now


Friday, November 11, 2016

Last Weekend


Friday, October 14, 2016




Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Japanese is my favorite class this year, due to my fascination with the language and its aesthetic. It's much easier to learn a language when it looks so beautiful. I chose to learn Japanese because one of my favorite authors,  David Mitchell, writes most of his novels in Japan. He also lives there most of the time, even though he was born in England, because of its beauty. What also factored into my decision was the interest in learning a new writing style/alphabet besides our English one. And lastly, a few of my favorite books, poems, and television shows are actually in Japanese, and I would love to be able to appreciate them more in their native tongue.

The toughest aspect of Japanese class this year is probably perfecting the hiragana and katakana characters so that they're actually readable, but I'm getting better with every class. I'm very excited to start learning Kanji.


はじめまして。わたし の なめえ は ミヤ です。わたし は じゅうはっさいです。コロンビアだいがく の がくせい です。いちねんせい です。じゅっしん は ニュージャージ の ニューアーク です。 アメリカじん です。 どうぞ よろしく。